Osprey Orielle Lake
Executive Director | Women's Earth and Climate Action Network International
Osprey Orielle Lake, founder/Executive Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, works with grassroots and Indigenous leaders, policy-makers and scientists to promote climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a clean energy future. Osprey serves on the Executive Committee of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, co-directs the DIVEST, INVEST, PROTECT campaign, and authored the award-winning, Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature. (wecaninternational.org)
Panel Presentations:
Global Networks of Women: How “She-Power” Is Connecting Across Nations to Leverage Learning and Change
October 19th | 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm
Round Table—Transformative Climate Action: “Solve-the-Whole-Problem” Approaches
October 19th | 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Ecofeminism: The Radical Grassroots Movement That’s Changing Everything But Is Rarely Named
October 20th | 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm
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