To support building an inclusive movement, we offer tickets at several price points.
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The Bioneers Conference is not a source of profit. Our standard registration rates are deeply subsidized to make the experience available for people from all walks of life. If we were to charge the actual cost, tickets would be closer to $1000 each (take a look at any other conference). When you Pay It Forward by buying a higher-priced ticket, you make it possible for someone who shares your commitment but has more limited funds to join in the movement. We encourage you to register at the price you can afford — and know your purchase is part of the Bioneers community traditions of diversity and inclusivity.
Individual: You are buying your tickets without employer funding, or have a more modest personal budget.
Pay-It-Forward: Our Pay-it-Forward ticket price supports those who need our help to get to Bioneers 2019. If you’re an individual or organization with the means, choose the Pay-it-Forward option this year. More diversity at the conference will mean more opportunity for collaboration and innovation. Let’s continue to build a movement that brings everyone to the table to develop practical solutions needed to change the world.
Students, Teachers and Limited-Income Seniors: Bioneers offers a small number of special-rate tickets to students, educators and seniors with limited incomes. These tickets will be available mid-Summer 2019.
Afternoon passes: Available for $75 on site each day of the event after 1:30pm. Provides access to all afternoon and evening sessions, no Keynotes.
We look forward to seeing you in October!