Ladybird Morgan

Executive Director | Humane Prison Hospice Project

Ladybird Morgan

Ladybird Morgan, Executive Director of the Humane Prison Hospice Project (whose goal is to make prisoner-provided hospice services available in California’s 33 prisons), has been working in end-of-life care and on the frontlines of sexual violence as a registered nurse, clinical social worker, and educator for 20+ years. She has worked with many organizations including The Zen Hospice Project, Hospice By The Bay, and Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

Panel Presentations:

Reimagining and “Greening” the End of Life

October 19th | 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements