Randy Compton

President | Restorative Solutions


Randy Compton

Randy Compton is the President and co-founder of Restorative Solutions, Inc., where he designs and implements school-based restorative justice initiatives. Working with the School Mediation Center, he coordinated the National Curriculum Integration Project, founded two major conferences, served on the Standards Committee for the Conflict Resolution Education Network, authored numerous articles, wrote and edited curricula and videos and presented at conferences throughout the U.S.

Panel Presentations:

Transforming Our World Through Restorative Justice

October 18th | 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm

Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements